Since Mrs. Aquino was diagnosed with the big C, a lot of products regarding colon cleanser came out. One of these is the psyllium husk. You’re probably wondering what is a psyllium husk. Psyllium is a plant and psyllium husk is extracted from its' seed. It’s all natural that’s why I’m not afraid of taking it.
Psyllium husk is actually a dietary fiber that helps in bowel movement. It is like a natural laxative and is recommended for people with low fiber intake. It also cleanses our body of some of the wastes we fail to excrete for it absorbs toxins in our bowel. How does it work? Simple, if you dissolve this in water you can see that it expands. Then it becomes a gelatin-like substance. Because of these properties, psyllium husk can absorb at least 10x of its original mass. If you take it in, it will make your bowels in your colon soft and easier to remove.
Boo recommended this product to me to help me regulate my time in the bin. I have been using this product for quite some time now and it’s really effective. I also noticed that it removed the bloated feeling every time I eat and has reduced my gassy episodes. I have a problematic tummy for a couple of years now and this product helped me a lot.
Another plus for psyllium husk is that it helps me maintain my body weight. Some claimed that this product was able to aid them in weight reduction. It also helps manage your cholesterol level and maintains blood pressure. This is indeed a wonderful find. It has been widely used abroad and now gaining popularity here in the Philippines.
Guidance in usage, psyllium husk can be mixed with juices, coffee, tea, milk, soup, stew etc. I used it plainly with water. If you’re taking it the first time, I suggest mix it with other liquids. It is not recommended for pregnant women. The best time to take it is in between meals.
Psyllium husk also comes in capsule form.
Hi there,
Psyllium Husk has kept me regular too. Another side effect I'd like to point out is that it clears up your acne, if you have any. I've written more about it at my blog:
Thank you for that information..
Beneift of Psyllium husk( SAT ISABGOL)
Psyllium may help with weight loss control. Also see an effective appetite suppressant called Diet Rx with no side effects.
Psyllium is a wonderful bulking fiber for constipation. Another benefit of psyllium husk is that it reduces fecal incontinence.
Psyllium helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood lipid levels. In 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the use of a health claim in the labeling of foods and dietary supplements containing psyllium husk. The health claim states that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include soluble fiber per day from psyllium may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol.
Psyllium may help maintain healthy blood pressure.
Psyllium added to a traditional diet for persons with type II diabetes is safe, well tolerated, and improves glycemic and lipid control.
Psyllium reduces radiation-induced diarrhea.
Psyllium could be helpful for hemorrhoids since it softens the stools.
Psyllium fiber is best taken in a dose of 1 to 5 grams with a meal, particularly if the meal has a low fiber content. You can mix half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of psyllium fiber with a glass of water, once or twice a day. I also recommend drinking a glass of water in the morning when you wake up.
150,HIGHWAY,NEAR WEIGH BRIDGE E.MAIL:giriraj81@gmail.com
UNJHA-384 170 (N.GUJ.) INDIA
The diet of six normal and five ileostomy subjects was supplemented with 10 g/d Plantago ovata psyllium husk for 3 wk while six normal and four ileostomy subjects received 10 g/d psyllium seed. Fecal and ileostomy output, sterol excretion, serum cholesterol, and triglycerides were measured before and after supplementation. The husk had no effect on cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations in either normal or ileostomy subjects. Total and high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations were reduced on average by 6.4% and 9.3%, respectively, in the normal group after seed supplementation. No effect on fecal bile acid excretion in the normal subjects was found after both regimes. Ileostomy bile acids were increased (on average 25%) after seed supplementation, whereas no effect on cholesterol concentrations was found. These results suggest that psyllium seed might be more effective than the husk in reducing serum cholesterol, that this cholesterol-lowering effect is not mediated by increased fecal bile acid losses, and increased ileal losses of bile acids might be compensated for by enhanced reabsorption in the colon.
Giriraj Enterprise
150, National Highway,
Opp: Petrol Pump
UNJHA-384170 (Gujarat)
Tele: 91-2767-252214, 253788, 252997
Fax : 91-2767-252614
E.Mail: giriraj81@gmail.com,
Web: http://www.girirajpsyllium.in/
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